Event Calendar

Sunday, July 15, 2012

July 16 - 21st

Wow! Summer is just flying by, and we are having sooo much FUN!

Things going on this week!

Sr. Cooking Club with Sandi Lesh! 
Making:  Foil Dinner Nachos!
Time: 3:00-4:30 PM
Place: Lesh House

Please call or email Sandi for the cost.

Arts in the Park.... (Flashy Frisbee)
11-12 State Street Park
12-1 Petersen Barn

Coast Trip
Meet at the Danebo Church at 8:45 am and leave at 9:00 am to head to Florence
* A picnic lunch
* Money for parking
* Buckets, shovels, and sand toys....
* Towels & Blankets
* Jackets and sunscreen.

If you need more information about any of these events, leave us a comment, email, text, or call us!